CBP is tailored to two prospective buyer markets, first-home buyers and investors.
Cash Back Properties‘ prime customers sit in between first-home buyers and investors
One of the reasons first home buyers are so inclined to use CBP is because if they choose to use the commission refund as part of their deposit, as well as the First Home Owner Grant, that provides a large injection of cash to reduce the amount borrowed.
Investors can utilise the commission refund from CBP to purchase a second investment property or offset interest rate rises, rather than dipping into their own pockets.
CBP offers buyers the opportunity to purchase properties solely from new build developments including Shared living, Dual key, duplexes, apartments, townhouses and house and land packages.
CBP does not offer the purchase of pre-existing homes.
CBP will return $10,000 in commission to prospective buyers, however this amount varies based on house price movement in the market
CBP has no eligibility requirements and the only aspect is that property buyers are required to meet lender or bank criteria to obtain financing.
This is where our independent broker will assist you.
As an example, typical buyers’ requirements from banks and lenders will include:
At least 5%
A good score will improve your chances
The higher the better
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